I began my day with a Covid test. I cannot recommend it as a way to start the day. It was a beautiful morning though.

I worked from home for the day which I find quite stressful. I didn’t want to spend the day coughing over colleagues and I was sick as a dog. Here is my lovely home workstation at close of business.

God, I really hope I haven’t got Covid. Daniel went for a test at lunch time. I hope he hasn’t got Covid either (he had to get a cotton swab up both nostrils – poor Dan). I now have one colleague whose whole family got it (including himself); one colleague whose wife and daughter got it; one colleague whose two sons got it and, as of this evening, another colleague whose wife has come down with it (updated to add: he got it too). Our work Christmas lunch was, predictably enough, cancelled today. There’ll be a virtual secret Santa instead. Be still my beating heart.
In other news, it’s still too warm to put on the Aga. I know, the planet thanks me.
I am about to retire to bed to recover from the vicissitudes of the day.
Send some good news.