“He’s nothing but Tony Blair’s lapdog”.
“He’s a new Cromwell” Cromwell may have a great reputation as a
Parliamentarian across the water, his reputation in Ireland is, er,
less good.
“We want the Taoiseach and Mary Coughlan (Minister for Agriculture) to
stand four square behind Jacques Chirac who is defending the interests
of farmers”.
The European Commission has the negotiating mandate for trade and Mr.
Mandelson is the lucky man in the hot seat who has to try to keep his
negotiating position concealed from the other international parties
while agreeing it in detail with stroppy delegations from 25 EU member
states. Har di har, I bet he looks back fondly on the peace and
tranquility of Northern Ireland.
In other news, I gather, somewhat belatedly, that the Rose of Tralee is
not just a pretty face. She has a degree in theoretical physics –
what happened to wishing for world peace and wanting to work with children?
on 09 November 2005 at 15:21

Sweetie(s) given
Friar Tuck
on 09 November 2005 at 17:41
on 09 November 2005 at 22:35

Sweetie(s) given
on 10 November 2005 at 10:37

Sweetie(s) given
Me: These shoes are made for walking, and that’s just what they’ll do…
Her: BOOTS Mummy!
Her (holding up soft toy): What’s this Mummy?
Me: It’s a moose from Canada.
Her: Thank you Canada.
Her: What’s that on your chin Mummy?
Me: It’s a hideous spot.
Her (amending Dr. Seuss to fit the occasion): So now we have chin spots, will it ever come out? I don’t think.
on 09 November 2005 at 15:19

Sweetie(s) given
on 09 November 2005 at 18:02

Sweetie(s) given
on 09 November 2005 at 21:32
Oh get the girl a blog!

Sweetie(s) given
on 09 November 2005 at 22:31

Sweetie(s) given
on 10 November 2005 at 10:35
JD, snort.

Sweetie(s) given
30 Today
Not me, but my little sister. In honour of the occasion, the Princess sang happy birthday but alas the file is too large to send by email or upload to 20six so she may never see it. Happy birthday all the same Miss.
on 09 November 2005 at 10:32
Comment Modified) Yes, happy birthday to her indeed. 0
Sweetie(s) given ���
on 09 November 2005 at 14:18
Burn it to disc & pop it in the post. 0
Sweetie(s) given ���
on 09 November 2005 at 15:20
Ta for vicarious good wishes. JD, Chicago.
Cha0tic – you’re a genius. 0
Sweetie(s) given ���
My sister told one of her Chinese colleagues about the boys.
“Twin boys” she gasped “every woman in China would like to be your
sister.” 2.5 billion Chinese can’t be wrong.
I am managing to breastfeed the twins together occasionally. This
is not easy; I fail to understand how other people manage to look so serene,
mind you, I note that they do all look indecent. I told my mother and she asked
“my goodness, do you feel like a cow?”. After a pause for
reflection, I said “no, more like a pig“.
We haven’t been out much yet. Partly because Michael had to stay
indoors until the weekend before last when he hit the 3 kilo mark,
partly because of the terrifying logistics involved. Also, we
were told that they would fit in the pram bit of our 3 in 1 thingy
until they were 4 months when we could transfer to the lightweight and
fab Maclaren. That turns out to be a snare and a delusion, there
is no way that they can both fit in the pram and I am reluctant to
shell out for a double pram for 3 or 4 months. I am going to
experiment today taking one in the sling and one in the pram.
Hold your breath for me.
And finally, Mr. Waffle has pointed out to me that the twins are 6
weeks old today not yesterday. It’s hard for me to concentrate
what with staying awake listening to the snuffling noises.
on 08 November 2005 at 10:56

Sweetie(s) given
on 08 November 2005 at 11:31

Sweetie(s) given
on 08 November 2005 at 15:49

Sweetie(s) given
on 08 November 2005 at 16:22

Sweetie(s) given
on 08 November 2005 at 19:33

Sweetie(s) given
on 09 November 2005 at 15:18
Minks, I fear so…
JD absolutely, extra pair of hands would be extremely useful.

Sweetie(s) given
My shampoo is made with kiwi, kumquat and
fig. What on earth is this about? Washing-up liquid is available in “red berry”
for those who are tired of traditional lemon.
Very odd.
on 07 November 2005 at 19:34

Sweetie(s) given
on 07 November 2005 at 21:02

Sweetie(s) given
on 08 November 2005 at 08:11
JD, quite.

Sweetie(s) given
on 08 November 2005 at 11:04

Sweetie(s) given
on 08 November 2005 at 13:09
“Give me a raise or you’ll find less than a tangerine in your locker later”
Simple and effective :o)

Sweetie(s) given
on 08 November 2005 at 14:45
It’s all meant to seduce you. They don’t have Asparagus and Sprout Shampoo or Turnip and Cauliflower Conditioner.

Sweetie(s) given
Friar Tuck
on 08 November 2005 at 16:50
on 09 November 2005 at 15:14
UC, yum yum, turnip and cauliflower.
FT, excellent.

Sweetie(s) given
Early Days
Since the arrival of the boys, the Princess likes to hear stories about when she was small(er) and while her grandparents were over, I told her the story of grandad’s lost underpants which I have previously blogged about but which I repeat below for your delectation:
My father-in-law, the captain of industry, resorted to handwashing. However, my mother-in-law determined that the capt’s clothes would never dry in the shower and put them on the balcony, from whence “a garment†drifted down into the private area of the guesthouse. A couple of days later I was witness to the exquisitely embarrassing moment when the lady of the house asked my poor mortified father-in-law whether the garment she was holding between outstretched finger and thumb belonged to him.
The Princess liked the story and now, regularly, when I put her to bed she says, “Tell me the story of grandad’s underpants again.”
By the by, I have found a pair of black men’s underpants nestling under the heater in the spare room. I wonder whose they are?
In other news, the boys are six weeks old today. The books tell us that we may confidently expect smiles from now on. I suspect that Faith and G are much more likely to get first smiles as they tend to gaze at the boys lovingly while feeding them while their nearest and dearest tend to read the papers. Oh have a heart, we’re still knee deep in newsprint from the parent-in-law visit and somebody has to read all those Guardians.
Example of dialogue with husband:
Me: Whenever I see you with one of the babies, I’m reminded of that bit from Hilary Clinton’s autobiography (which we listened to on tape while on holiday one Summer, NOT recommended, hugely tedious).
Him: The bit where she talks about the cold meat selection at Nelson Mandela’s inauguration?
Me: No.
Him: The bit where they fill the swimming pool in India with mineral water for her?
Me: NO.
Him:Oh alright the bit where Chelsea bites Bill on the nose to try to get his attention.
on 07 November 2005 at 17:23
how do you know the pants belong to a black man? oh wait, i see. i’m also agog. happy 6 weeks!
on 07 November 2005 at 21:06
Probably Locote’s…
on 08 November 2005 at 08:10
Minks, er, it’s not 6 weeks, clearly my focus isn’t all it might be.
GoG, very funny, maybe my syntax does need some work though…
JD, I beg your pardon??