If I could use the photoshop thingy, I might get rid of the patch of
vomit between them on the sheet or I suppose I could use that time to
change the sheet..
on 22 November 2005 at 15:26
Friar Tuck
on 22 November 2005 at 15:32
on 22 November 2005 at 15:44

Sweetie(s) given
on 22 November 2005 at 16:28
Twin 2: “Shhh! I hear her coming! Just look cute so she doesn’t get suspicious!”

Sweetie(s) given
on 22 November 2005 at 17:34

Sweetie(s) given
on 23 November 2005 at 09:34
Twin 2: Shtill doan geddit. Wha’s she puttin’ in our bocklesh anyway?

Sweetie(s) given
on 23 November 2005 at 10:08
Twin2: Mummmmmy!

Sweetie(s) given
on 23 November 2005 at 11:13

Sweetie(s) given
on 23 November 2005 at 11:30
(the curse of the younger brother – mine did it too!)
on 23 November 2005 at 12:13

Sweetie(s) given
Nothing to See Here
I recommend that you read this. It is the funniest thing I have read in some time.
Completely unrelated:
The Law Society of Ireland Gazette is anxious to reassure that solicitors are taking the latest slur on the legal profession seriously (too lengthy and depressing to go into). This month the magazine assures readers that “..the Society will accept, for the first time, complaints made other than in writing”. Way to go, thatÂ’’s bound to reassure the punters.
on 22 November 2005 at 09:56
it frightened the bejeesus out of me. I’ve never had kids. I’d like to have them – or at least I did.
on 22 November 2005 at 15:06
H, reckon Minks is too experienced to be scared now, but at least Norah and Cookie are terrified.
on 22 November 2005 at 15:39
Hilarious- a little bit of wee snuck out (only a little though, thank god.)
on 23 November 2005 at 09:31
Hell- I’m never having a baby and I was terrified. And amused.
Do you think the Law Society will be accepting complaints such as rotten eggs hurled at them, by the way?
on 23 November 2005 at 12:11
Minks, showing your experience – amused not terrified, see pog was terrified and amused in that order. Pog, suspect that they might not, worth a try though…
My sister
and I spoke on the phone during the week.
Round I
Me: YouÂ’re on speaker and the phone is on my knee.
Her: Why?
(triumphantly): Because I have a baby on each breast – Oh God!
Her: What?
Me: I
dropped Michael.
Her: Oh
Me: Not
very far and on to the sofa, he didnÂ’t like it much though.
Daniel poos.
Me: Did you hear that?
Her: I was trying to ignore it.
Me: That
was your nephew doing a poo.
Her: Too
much information.
Me: But my
life is full of poo at the moment.
Her (tartly):
But mine doesnÂ’t have to be.
(grudgingly): Fair point.
Round II
Me: I was watching “What Not to Wear” the other
night; they say that your sister is the only person who will tell you what your
clothes are really like (though I must say on the evidence presented in the
programme, I believe Trinny and Susannah will as well). So tell meÂ…
Her: No.
Me: Why
(crabbily): I havenÂ’t seen you much
since you were pregnant with the Princess and I criticised one thing then and I
got my nose bitten off.
Me (even
more crabbily): Have you any idea how
hard it is to get nice maternity clothes?
Her (hastily):
Anyway, I havenÂ’t seen your non-maternity wardrobe in years.
Me: ItÂ’s
still all the same.
Her: Pregnant
Me: Oh I
Knock out
Anyway, IÂ’ve got to go, I have a meeting.
Me: But you
canÂ’t go, IÂ’m stuck under two feeding babies.
Her: Sorry.
(desperately): But I havenÂ’t got a book or the TV remote to hand and the radio
is off.
Her: Gotta
go, bye, talk to you soon.
I spend the
next while muttering darkly and listening to the telephone beeping while trying
to manouevre myself into a position to switch off the speaker button.
Friar Tuck
on 21 November 2005 at 17:58
on 22 November 2005 at 09:19
FT, wouldn’t worry, she has plenty of indignation for everyone.

Sweetie(s) given
Quite miscellaneous matters while children nap
Got an email from my father-in-law beginning as follows:
“[A]s I sipped my espresso macchiato this morning (as an aside, this was the place in Smithfield where I asked a new member of staff for an espresso, to be told “Sorry-don’t understand English)….”
It’s far from espresso macchiatos he was reared; this celtic tiger stuff is getting out of control.
I rather like the juxtaposition of the standard signature and the content of this email from a friend and fellow Georgette Heyer fan:
GH [Georgette Heyer I’m reading] is Sylvester – lots of fun, although I think I could write them myself at this stage – the
signposts are pretty clear!
Professor of Extremely Hard Law
School of Law
University of X”
Got an email from my sister as follows:
“I know one shouldn’t laugh at names, but Kermit!!!
Organizational Announcement – Productivity Operations Leader – Kermit S
I am pleased to announce that Kermit S has accepted the position of Productivity Operations Leader, and will assume his new role effective Monday, November 21, 2005.
Kermit, has an extensive 25 year manufacturing/production background and a proven record of creating and maintaining high performance work teams. Kermit will be responsible for leading the overall process improvement efforts. X will report directly to Kermit, as will Y.
Please join me, in welcoming Kermit, his wife and his 2 children to the [insert company name here] Family.”
Showed this to Mr. Waffle but he refused to be amused. “It must have been a name before it was assigned to a frog.”  “Oh yeah, there are so many famous Kermits in history, Kermit of Arc, Pope Kermit, Kermit Roosevelt…” But he remains adamant and unamused, think it’s kind of a funny name myself.
Ventured out yesterday and today.
Yesterday my path out was barred by a pigeon sitting in the hall looking at me nastily. It was quite scary. I shouted shoo at it in an entirely ineffectual way and it looked at me in distinct scorn. I edged past it to the door and when I got there found it was bucketing rain and I had no umbrella so went back upstairs with Daniel attached to me in the sling and
left Michael in the hall in the buggy. On the way up I began to worry that the pigeon might attack Michael (stop sniggering, it was very malignant) so ran all the way back down to find him safe although the pigeon looked like he was reckoning whether Michael might be edible. When I finally secured my umbrella, I pointed it at the pigeon and opened and closed it
vigourously. If pigeons could laugh, I think that he would have. Malevolently. He certainly didn’t move and the three of us edged past very cautiously.
All of this going out is good preparation for next week
when we will be home alone as Mr. Waffle is off on a work trip. The boys and I will have to drive the Princess to the creche and pick her up (the alternative is worse). I am nervous, people.
on 18 November 2005 at 12:44
I’m with you on the Kermit – can you imagine having to go on a date with someone called Kermit? I mean, you wouldn’t would you? How could you possibly be romantic with Kermit? No. Mr Waffle speaks false – tell him from me.
on 18 November 2005 at 13:29
Poor Kermit. But silly Kermit – you’d have to change your name, wouldn’t you?
on 18 November 2005 at 15:05
I met a guy named Kermit once, years ago. I couldn’t keep a straight face. He gave me the eyeball of death and walked away. Poor guy. I bet he’s changed his name by now.
on 18 November 2005 at 16:32
Mmm I worked with some wonderfully named people at a German investment bank. Thermos Kartalis was delightful.
on 18 November 2005 at 16:44
because i’m all about research:
Gender: Boy
Origin: Irish, Gaelic
Meaning: “Without envy.”
Notes: Variant of Dermot, made famous by the popular green Muppet Kermit the Frog.
Keywords: gaelic, irish, famous, popular, green
Popularity: The name Kermit ranked 588 out of 1219 (Top 48%) as a first name for males of all ages in the 1990 U.S. Census. The name Kermit was not ranked among 88799 surnames for males and females of all ages in the 1990 U.S. Census.
“Without envy,” indeed. *snort*
on 18 November 2005 at 20:32
I’m assuming you KNOW there really was a Kermit Roosevelt (he was Theodore’s (eldest, I think) son), and you slipped that in there to be tricky right? Good one! (p.s. I only know this random fact because I heard a review on National Public Radio (in the US) about a book written about the journey through the Amazon rainforest Kermit and his father took after TR’s second run for presidential office.)
on 19 November 2005 at 00:11
Or this guy: http://www.law.csuohio.edu/faculty/lind/
Would that be Carluccios? ON the pavement?
on 20 November 2005 at 14:48
SSC, alas, it would appear that the pigeon is boss.
Norah, ta.
Heather, Pog, Bobble, yes, yes, interesting.
The rest of you: you know far, far too much about Kermits. I am, however, delighted to discover that it means ” without envy”.
on 22 November 2005 at 09:44
What lovely boys. At the moment our own little darling has been complaining about life, the universe and everything for the last three hours and to me they look like peaceful, silent little angels in comparison.
does seem that everyone is having twins. It could be that people are having
their babies when they’re older (I don’t really go with this one, because my
mother didn’t have me until she was 35, and most Irish women who were having 6
and 7 children were having children in their late thirties, or even early
forties, and there didn’t seem to be that many twins).
could be that people are having their first pregnancy when they’re older
(Maybe the biological clock says, gosh, at long last a pregnancy, better make
the most of it and produce two).
I have this sort of way out theory that just as there were more boys born
directly after the war (so that the population equilibrium was quickly restored
– New Scientist did a series on this a coupe of years ago, which doesn’t mean
it’s true of course), could it possibly be that less people have babies, so
those who have babies have more of themÂ…. I’ve nothing really to base this on.
how about natural selection. Twins have a high level of family support, develop
advanced social skills, and make their parents very happy, so that they in turn
enter into happy successful relationships and so the “twin gene” gets
passed on and multipliesÂ…. That’s a nice theory!
it could be the pill.”
on 18 November 2005 at 09:45

Sweetie(s) given
on 18 November 2005 at 12:18
Groupie, there may be something in what you say…

Sweetie(s) given
on 20 November 2005 at 14:47

Sweetie(s) given
on 20 November 2005 at 14:49

Sweetie(s) given
8.30 Mr. Waffle announces that we need bread and milk and he will
purchase same at lunch time. “Well, I can make bread” I say and
then, after a pause for reflection, “and also milk.”
9.00 -11.00 Sit on couch trapped under feeding babies. Ring my
mother and wake her up. Tell her about the Affables’ twins.
She says “was it an IVF pregnancy?”
11.00 – 11.30 Decide to venture out with the boys with a view to
purchasing bread and milk as the rain has stopped. Make elaborate
11.45 Decide to knock boys out with formula before leaving. Undo elaborate preparations.
12.00 Boys conked, redo elaborate preparations. Rain starts again. Abandon hope of ever leaving the house.
on 16 November 2005 at 13:40

Sweetie(s) given
on 16 November 2005 at 16:06

Sweetie(s) given
on 17 November 2005 at 17:20

Sweetie(s) given