New acquaintance: And where did your husband go to school?
Me: Jesuit School X.
New acquaintance: Oh lovely, clever, sensitive boys.
I understand that Mr. Waffle’s school produced many chess champions but that they failed to star in rugby.
New acquaintance: And where did your husband go to school?
Me: Jesuit School X.
New acquaintance: Oh lovely, clever, sensitive boys.
I understand that Mr. Waffle’s school produced many chess champions but that they failed to star in rugby.
Michael and Daniel turned four today.
My mother-in-law asked me what time of day they were born and, incredibly, I had forgotten. Fortunately, I have a complete online record. It is funny to look at those old pictures and see how tiny they were. They are big boys now as they never tire of reminding me.
I suppose because they have no younger siblings, they still seem pretty small to me. If only I had lots of energy, I would write a loving and detailed post but after a day of festivities filled with guns, family and power rangers, I think I may have to compromise with some pictures and a couple of anecdotes.
Daniel is extremely articulate, speaks very clearly and he seems to have a good ear for language. The other day I heard him describe something as “upsoide dowen”. I raised my eyebrows. He said, “Mummy, I know you say upside down but at school we say ‘upsoide dowen'” Poor Daniel. As his father says, “Fluent in English, Irish, French and Dub.” He can also do an RP English accent, a Lancashire accent (where did this come from – the BBC?) and, of course, like all of his contemporaries an American accent. I was glad that, as we trooped out of a concert with other parents and children on Friday night, he chose to use his RP English accent to say loudly, “Mummy, stop hitting me with your bloody handbag.” [My handbag is heavy, when I bend down to minister to small children’s needs, it can be slightly dangerous. No one has ever been knocked unconscious. I am trying to stop saying bloody.]
Michael’s social skills continue to be unrivalled in his family. F tells me that when she waits with him and Daniel for their sister to emerge from school all of the other pupils say, “Hello Michael”. He is the soul of friendliness. He is also a stickler for accuracy. At school he is learning Connaught Irish. I speak Munster Irish. He sits at the bord dearg (red table) in his class. I pronounce “dearg” as “darug”. He pronounces it as “dya-rug”. I have had to alter my pronounciation or risk the wrath of the tiny tyrant.
27 September 2005
27 September 2006 – 1
27 September 2007 – 2
27 September 2008 – 3 Oh God, that terrifying haircut – the Vikings storm the city
27 September 2007 – 4 – We’re 4!
And, as it happens, today is also my parents’ 42nd wedding anniversary which is rather nice too.
Headline from the Irish Times during the week: “Xilinx records Nasdaq gains.”
Our cleaner, A, is from Latvia. The other day he commented on how well herself spoke French. “We used to live in Belgium,” I explained. “How many languages do you speak?” I asked. “Russian and Latvian; I studied German at university but I have nearly forgotten it all now.”
The OECD economic survey of Ireland in 2008 found that “[m]ost migrants are young, well educated and work, but are often in basic jobs.” They’re not kidding.
Her: Oh Mummy, my Mummy, I knew you were home.
Me: How did you know I was home?
Her: I could smell you.
Me: You are the most argumentative person I know.
Him: I am not.
Me: Pregnant pause.
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