Daniel (shouting): Mummy, I wanted to put out the washing with you.
Me: But you were in your pyjamas.
Michael: I want an actimel.
Me: OK.
Michael (shouting): NOOOO, you took off the lid, I wanted to take off the lid.
Me (crossly): Every child in this house has shouted at me this morning.
Daniel: No, that’s not true, my sister is still in bed. [Pause] She’ll shout at you when she gets up.
For your delectation from the wilds of the internet
Norah is dealing with bodily functions of small children.
Another Belgian Waffle is having a miserable time. Obliquely. Be nice to her. Also, remember what I said about naming your blog something that won’t seem like a good idea to half a dozen other people.
This is a worthy, depressing and hard to read blog about the Irish economy. They linked to this though, which is quite cool.
The failblog people: mildly humourous.
If you liked the last map link, have a look at the interview with the creator.
A superb photo essay on East Germany, via Kottke.
Xkcd has advice for physicists.
If u do not forward this to 6 people, u will have 6 months bad luck
I have a friend who, very reprehensibly, forwards these kinds of email. Clearly, I always delete them while making a tutting sound. One arrived today and I deleted it and forgot about it until I got home this evening. I found three letters from the revenue commissioners announcing that they had reassessed my tax returns for 2004, 2005 and 2006 and telling me cheerily (in light of the state of the exchequer) that they calculated that for those years I had an additional liability of €6,000. 6 months of this kind of luck could beggar us.
Very good news
Excited email from a colleague today: Martin Lukes is back – and looking good for an early release and a new career!!
I thought you would like to know.
Links. Let me see. Jon is incandescent about the shocking ignorance of the British press on matters European. However, in the case of the Daily Mail, he has his revenge.
Eoin has a link to a great collection of Irish archive photos.
Look, what can I say the internet is tired.
The lovely Beth wants to see our handwriting. I am rather proud of mine – unfortunately, it comes out a bit elongated here (the wave motion when writing on unlined paper is nothing to do with technology though). Doubtless, I am being smitten for the sin of pride. However, if you are stuck for NaBloPoMo content, you too could steal Beth’s idea.
The Observer has worked itself into an advanced state of excitement about its political editor’s decision to resign her job to spend more time with her small son. This was front page news on Sunday. Now, while the question of work-life balance for mothers and whether it is possible to do everything is a particularly vexed one in Anglo-Saxon countries, I’m not sure that it’s front page news (although I concede that Sunday is always slow). The article is interesting and I did read it but I am dubious about the prominence it received. I defy the Irish Times to be more parochial.