At a certain stage, the Princess started reading and saying things backwards. Now Daniel has started. Could it be because they’re left handed? Or do all children do that?
Finding the Old Homestead
My brother is on an extended holiday in the US [because he can] and he sends us the odd update [because he believes we should suffer].
Not a lot of people know this but as a child, my father lived in Southern California. His parents came back to Cork in the 30s and people used to ask him to talk – “Let’s hear the little yank”. He remembers the ice man, and seeing a film being made at night but that’s pretty much all we’ve ever heard of his sojourn in America. My father is not a great man for nostalgia.
Latest missive from my brother includes the following:
Hey folks how,s the form…..whoever sang that song it never rains in southern California has seriously misrepresented the reality. It,s been raining here solidly all day, it,s like the west of Ireland with Palm Trees thrown in. I,m in the apple store in Pasadena near Los Angeles, trying to use the iPad 2, have to admit it,s well cool though ridiculously overpriced. It is pretty cool despite the fact I can,t find the apostrophe on the key pad. It,s also the childhood home of [our father], the directions I was given to the actual house from the man himself was that there was a machine that sold nickel sweets on the street corner sometime in the 1930s. With these pinpoint directions I have only my ineptitude and terrible sense of direction to blame for failing to find the landmark building.
Michael: Who are you?
Daniel: I’m Ben 10!
Michael: Never heard of you, you must be from a different channel.
The End of Culture
I am not organising any further outings. On Sunday afternoon, we were supposed to go to a worthy theatre offering. When this treat was announced, the children were unenthusiastic. Daniel and Michael howled, “no”. Due to a series of accidents, we arrived 5 minutes late and latecomers were not admitted.
Oh I was cross. I have announced that I am organising nothing further and that the children might therefore miss seeing some architectural gems during the Open House weekend. They were gutted, as you might imagine.
Me: Did you meet [the notoriously handsome man]?
Him: Yup.
Me: Well, what did he look like?
Him: Um, tall, brown hair.
Princess: Oh come on Dad, does he have a square jaw, does he have a six pack?
I blame Meg Cabot.
Was it for this the wild geese spread/The grey wing upon every tide?
Things the Princess no longer believes in: Santa Claus, God, the GAA, the Irish language.