A couple of weeks ago, I was coming up from Cork on the train with the children and to show them how near they were to Dublin, I wanted to point out the Wellington monument in Phoenix Park. “Look, look,” I said, “who can see Nelson’s Pillar?” Pause. Then herself said, “Mum, I think it was blown up in 1966.” Which it was.
We’re off to France for a fortnight from today. Hurrah. Posting may be light but a full blow by blow account will be provided on our return – something for you to look forward to.
We are house swapping for the first time. Hope it all works out for everyone. I am exhausted from tidying our house. I hope that the cat doesn’t catch too many small animals for the French family.
Productivity is Up Again, Comrades
We are house swapping this year and the children and I have been cleaning the house with an intensity rarely seen under normal circumstances. Herself and Daniel washed the downstairs windows. Here is a picture of herself making an unavailing attempt to polish the brass – very difficult – suggestions welcome.
We also picked up all the plums that had fallen on the front path:
And chopped up half of them:
and turned them into jam:
Anniversary jam:
The rest are in the freezer awaiting inspiration.
Happy Anniversary
Mr. Waffle and I are married 13 years today. Which is ages. Go us.
Here is some dialogue to explain why Mr. Waffle is perfect.
Daniel: If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
Mr. Waffle: Maybe flying, that would be cool.
Daniel: If you couldn’t fly, what would you pick?
Mr. Waffle: Controlling the weather.
Daniel: Why?
Mr. Waffle: Then I could always get my laundry dry.
Seriously, what’s not to love?
Drama Queen
The Princess did an acting course last week and absolutely loved it. Mid-way through, she mentioned “Macbeth” and then did a quick twirl. “What did you do that for?” “If you mention ‘the Scottish play’ it brings bad luck and we have our performance at the end of the week. The performance was great fun and she is now full of enthusiasm for drama.
Will this end well?
I live close to town and I usually cycle in, if I have errands to run. Last week, the children did summer camps in town and I drove them in. Then I was kind of stuck with the car in town and found myself driving around doing errands which never normally happens. It is really inconvenient and expensive to boot. I did drive home one day and cycle back in to collect the children but that was not a success as they were hot, tired and hungry and did not welcome the walk home. It’s really too dangerous for them to cycle with me, so we were stuck.
It would be so fantastic if we could have safer cycle lanes in Dublin. If they can do it in Cork, surely they can do it here. Perhaps we need our own pedal on parliament.
Unrelated: The cat has just hauled in a dead bird – delighted with herself. Mr. Waffle and the Princess are out bat watching so I have just had to dispose of the carcase myself. Woe.