The Princess went to see her subjects (or co-princes) in the hospital again. The visit passed off without incident (only because we hid the thermometer).
Caption competition: what is Princess doing to baby Michael ? And what is he saying? A sweetie for the best caption…
on 30 September 2005 at 21:33
‘what’s this hole for?’
on 30 September 2005 at 22:14
Does this make his hands move?
on 30 September 2005 at 23:03
I thought it was baby Michael talking:
“Oh, great. Here comes that kid who sticks his finger in my ear. Yeah, come on, buddy. Keep it up. One day I’ll have motor control, you know.”
on 30 September 2005 at 23:04
Waahhh!!! I wasn’t paying attention. Of course it’s more like:
“Oh, great. here comes that kid who sitcks HER finger in my ear. Yeah, come on Princess, keep it up. One day I’ll have motor control, you know. And don’t you try to kiss me, either. Blech.”
on 02 October 2005 at 21:54
Princess: [in american gangster voice] “This is my sceptre, see? And if you and your little double don’t do what i tell you to, i’ll put it in your ear like this, see? So youse better do what i tell you to.”
Prince: ‘Oy! Oy!’
Sarcastic Journalist
on 03 October 2005 at 05:17
Princess: “And this, Michael, is how babies are made.”
Michael: “That’s not quite how I remember it.”
on 03 October 2005 at 10:21
“But daddy I need to get my sweet back out.” (if only I could type that in French…)
on 03 October 2005 at 17:28
does this help?
Mais, Papa! J’ai besoin de ma doucette!
(i’m sure that’s wrong. how do you say candy in french?)
on 04 October 2005 at 09:44
Sweet in French would be “mon bonbon” never heard of “doucette” before (is that Canadian French?).
Caption competition “ET phone home”.
on 06 October 2005 at 14:21
Gosh you’re all very clever…after much deliberation here in Waffle towers we have decided to award the sweetie to geepeemum. Congratulations on your extraordinary good fortune.
on 06 October 2005 at 15:00
I know the competition is over – but I’ve put a LOT of thought into this – and I believe the exact utterances were…
Princess: “Tee hee”
Michael: “Feck off”
a href=””>belgianwaffle
on 10 October 2005 at 08:56
Oh Loc, a winner if only submitted on time.
First Contact
Waffle Palace tonight announced that the Princess had paid a courtesy call on her new subjects. She prononced herself pleased, and deigned to kiss them on leaving. Although only 36 hours old, the
new princes have caught on to court etiquette quickly: they have given her a number of presents every day, which may have helped them gain acceptance. A diplomatic incident theatened when the Princess attempted to retake possession of her turtle-shaped bath thermometer, but courtiers were able to smooth
things over…
Mrs W was pleased with the way it went, and also very grateful for all the kind comments and sweeties.
on 28 September 2005 at 22:10
Ooh I have just received some sweetie largess to give to our 20Six new Mums! But it won’t let me give it to you. Be back later *shakes fist at system*
on 29 September 2005 at 07:55
what a gracious princess
on 29 September 2005 at 11:05
on 29 September 2005 at 13:26
Congratulations!!! My Internet goes down for a day, and look what I miss. 🙂 I have no sweeties to give, but if I did, I would give them all to you for judicious dispersal among the Princess and her subjects.
May you have joyful days and restful nights.
on 29 September 2005 at 14:50
Serves me right for not spending every waking hour on 20six waiting for updates – I go and miss the main event. Well many many congratulations, you seem to have done a fine job there.
(and congrats to Mr. W as well – ignore whatever herself might say, your role in this was just as important!)
Looking forward to weary posts about sleepless nights…
on 29 September 2005 at 21:52
Congratulations to the Waffle family. I hope you’re getting enough sleep.
on 29 September 2005 at 23:16
At last I can give a sweetie x
on 30 September 2005 at 02:32
Lots of blessings to the royal family!! ^^
on 06 October 2005 at 14:18
Thank you kindly for sweeties and good wishes. I feel exceptionally popular!
Happy birthday boys
Mrs Waffle asked me to tell the world that we had two baby boys (Daniel and Michael) today, Tuesday 27 September. One is 3 kilos (about 6 pounds 11 ounces) and 51 cm – the other a more svelte 2.2kilos (5 pounds) and 48 cm. Apparently, this is within the range of normal for twins (we’d probably know this if we ever got time to read our scary twins book). Mrs W. is tired but happy.
on 27 September 2005 at 19:39
on 27 September 2005 at 19:50
Comment Modified)

Sweetie(s) given ���
on 27 September 2005 at 20:02

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on 27 September 2005 at 20:20

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Friar Tuck
on 27 September 2005 at 20:35
on 27 September 2005 at 21:33
When’s the party?

Sweetie(s) given ���
on 27 September 2005 at 23:32

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on 28 September 2005 at 00:47

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on 28 September 2005 at 05:49
on 28 September 2005 at 06:40

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Congratulations to you!!!
on 28 September 2005 at 10:12

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on 28 September 2005 at 10:45

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on 28 September 2005 at 10:55

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on 28 September 2005 at 11:26

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on 28 September 2005 at 11:38

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on 28 September 2005 at 11:41

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on 28 September 2005 at 11:46

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on 28 September 2005 at 12:44
on 28 September 2005 at 12:54
JoJo & 20six Team xxx
One sweetie each!

Sweetie(s) given ���
on 28 September 2005 at 13:17

Sweetie(s) given ���
on 28 September 2005 at 14:13

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on 28 September 2005 at 14:17

Sweetie(s) given ���
Boy, Mrs Waffle must feel a lot less heavy now. 😉
You did a very good job, they look adorable.
Friar Tuck
on 28 September 2005 at 16:25
on 28 September 2005 at 16:45

Sweetie(s) given ���
on 28 September 2005 at 16:53

Sweetie(s) given ���
on 28 September 2005 at 22:31

Sweetie(s) given ���
on 29 September 2005 at 12:00

Sweetie(s) given ���
Dutch Mama
on 29 September 2005 at 15:51
on 30 September 2005 at 20:28

Sweetie(s) given ���
on 06 October 2005 at 13:54

Sweetie(s) given ���
Today is my due date
Is there any news? There is not. Well, I bought a new teapot, does that count? I thought that my ticker ruler might do something exciting to celebrate but it’s just sitting there stolidly saying “0 days left” so I’m going to remove it in a huff.
on 23 September 2005 at 10:53
They’re obviously comfy in there. Or waiting for ‘their’ new car to turn up.on 23 September 2005 at 11:00
Whoo! Congratulations on your new teapot!on 23 September 2005 at 12:05
one sugar and a chocolate digestive please!Angela
on 23 September 2005 at 13:20
A new teapot is ALMOST as exciting as twins, right?I’ll be thinking about you. Best wishes to the family of five!
on 23 September 2005 at 13:41
going past due date with twins, is almost unheard of, they must be way to comfy in there, go for a bumpy car ride, and a really hot curry.
on 23 September 2005 at 15:34
Well not tooo fast now newshoes because the doctor isn’t back until tomorrow night.Pog, it’s here, drove around in it today. Bloody enormous.
Norah, I knew you’d be pleased for me and two sweeties. Ta very much.
Jojo, all sweet things are banned – you must suffer with me.
Angela, even more exciting from some angles, I guess.
Amerly, well maybe I should enjoy this time…
on 23 September 2005 at 15:38
In that case, I expect they’ll be making an appearance shortly, ay?
on 23 September 2005 at 15:43
Come out little ‘uns!on 23 September 2005 at 23:04
In that case, raspberry leaf – straight, with a side of ryvita (how on earth do you spell that?)on 24 September 2005 at 12:50
Presume so, pog…But it’s kind of quiet without them Chintzy.
Jojo, wish I’d seen this sage advice before I went shopping this morning.
on 26 September 2005 at 16:26
That’s a shame – I was looking forward to some sort of spangly, explosive finale from your ticker as well. How disappointing. Oh well. I suppose the eventual arrival of the twins will be exciting itself. Well, a bit.😉
Sleeping Arrangements
Mr. Waffle: So what will they sleep in?
Me: I was thinking I’d get Moses basket thingys.
Him: What are they?
Me: Little baskety things.
Him: You know, I’m really beginning to understand why my parents put me in a drawer when I was a baby. Drawers are the perfect size for babies. And it hasn’t done me any harm.
Me (mutinously): Our babies are not sleeping in a drawer.
Him (placatingly): We could put stencils on the side.
Me (definitively): No.
on 05 September 2005 at 12:29
I think that’s the most optimistic heading ever. Where will our babies ‘sleep’? Not, WHEN will our babies sleep? or WILL our babies ever sleep. The power of positive thinking..on 05 September 2005 at 13:29
I had exactly the same conversation with Jimi-except he wanted to use the contents of the drawers as blankets.
Incidentally, Jimi is a twin and he and his sibling slept together in a cot when they were new. They liked being close and slept better as a result.
on 05 September 2005 at 14:57
Between Mom and Dad, i.e. in your bed. Isn’t that what parents are supposed to do nowadays to grow fully-confident children?Can they share the Princess’ old bed? One on each side. At least in the beginning.
I thought this drawer thing was a great laugh!;) ???
on 05 September 2005 at 19:15
I slept in a Moses basket! Apparently it was very handy for dinners out too, no cots or prams, just carry me in and lay me down under the table…on 06 September 2005 at 13:32
Moses baskets are a disaster to strap into a car.
Sus: so that’s why you spend so much time under tables. And here was I thinking it was the drink…. 😉
[Joke.. joke… pace.]
‘waff: you might I think enjoy this.
on 06 September 2005 at 22:15
Can I send you a book on baby care for Mr Waffle perhaps?!!on 07 September 2005 at 08:25
Pog, exactly, and expected levels of sleep deprivation are likely to lead to precisely that result.HJB, you are bad, but accurate.
Minks, glad I’m not the only one with a drawer obsessed spouse. I do plan to stick them together. My latest thought is maybe in the travel cot.
Peggy. Yes. But we will sacrifice their confidence for our sleep. We are cruel and unnatural.
Sus, have investigated the cost of these things in mothercare; they are horribly dear. Am considering alternatives.
Jack, I’m sure you’re right. But how do you know?? Thanks for link.
StarCorner – that would be very welcome…
on 07 September 2005 at 08:54
Three cheers for being ‘cruel and unnatural’. But the sweetie goes to Mr. W for thinking that “We could put stencils on the side” was a big selling point..on 07 September 2005 at 09:50
You know That Quiet Kid — the one who says very little but is always watching someone or something with total intensity, soaking up every detail and nuance of the moment? The one who consequently grows up to keep doing it and becomes a font of the most incredible and varied human & related trivia?That would be me… 😉
on 07 September 2005 at 10:19
Oh Jack, that was all contained in the dot dot dot..on 07 September 2005 at 18:26
I had a cot under the sink.Really. M and D were building the house.
on 08 September 2005 at 08:54
KE, Mr. Waffle is thrilled. Ta.JD, Sus, stop it!
BHM, sounds very secure and comfortable.