Due to the very generous citizenship policy of Canada my husband (who was born in Canada but left aged 2) and all three of my children (who haven’t even been to Canada) are Canadian citizens. Herself went through the hoops required (I mean, fair enough, hoops are appropriate given her tenuous link to the motherland) and her Canadian passport arrived today. A nice passport, I must say, they’ve gone for navy with a certain amount of maple leaf and a very elaborate gold crest. If she moves to Canada, it will make London seem next door. Let’s hope she doesn’t move to Canada, shall we?
I told her it arrived and after preliminary excitement I said I would put it in her room. These were my instructions:
Thank you! Put all in white box under bed, side nearest window (my filing system). There should be a piece of paper on top saying “do not throw away”: reaffix.
There are times when she reminds me vividly of my father. Can I say again that my reputation for throwing things out has been very much exaggerated?
Crossing my fingers against Canada (no offense meant, Canada, but you are far from Europe)
Even the best of us inadvertently throw other people’s things away. (My mother ejected a box of my cousin’s things – stored while she (the cousin) lived in Australia. She (the mother) was terribly embarrassed when she realised. Cousin was very understanding)
Canada IS far. Oh well, we’ll cross that bridge if we come to it.
I spent 6 years in Africa in my 20s, and then returned. Children have a habit of driving their parents mad but look on the bright side, Canada is safer than a lot of the world, it’s very pretty and the fishing is good..
I am glad to hear that you returned Charles and you make a good point about safety I guess but it is FAR.