The mother of a woman who works with me died yesterday afternoon. The removal was in the midlands, this evening, from 4 to 7. I left work at 4.30, cycled home like the wind and hopped into the car at 5.
My theory that remote working means that there is now no traffic in Dublin on Mondays was put to the test and found sorely wanting. It took me an hour to get out of the city and then when I finally got on the motorway there was dense fog.
As I drove along (carefully, slowly) I thought there was a very good chance that the removal would be over by the time I arrived which led to a certain amount of tension. And I had to stop for petrol.
I arrived at 18.55 and the hearse was outside the funeral home with the boot open but still there. The deceased had nine children (including my colleague) and innumerable grandchildren so there was still a queue of people out the door waiting to sympathise (my colleague said they had been shaking hands non stop since 4). What a relief.
My colleague who is a lovely older lady (so few people I can say this about now – her mother was 90) seemed really glad to see me which was the point of the exercise and I was glad I went. Nevertheless, I would like my next funereal duties to be in Dublin if at all possible.