Mr. Waffle and I went out for breakfast together and then he went into the office and worked all day. Sigh. I did various underwhelming things: I went to the dry cleaner, the library, the cobbler and the greengrocer. I attempted to get through some part of the mountain of newsprint which I brought into the house.
I went to mass and we had a reading that I always enjoy. I’m really not seeing that turn the other cheek spin which emanates from the New Testament.

Since Mr. Waffle was not working for the afternoon we had a mild outing to the Botanic Gardens. It lashed rain.

We ran from greenhouse to greenhouse and looked at the plants.

I imagine Wittgenstein had a similarly gloomy experience in November 1948.

There was an AI exhibition in the space upstairs from the cafe which was mildly interesting. I mean, I’ve had worse outings but I’ve had better also.

And then home to the fire to make a determined effort to finish off the papers. And how was your own weekend?
Bad back over the weekend
Want to know about the women’s rights thing your son got involved with
Oh no re the back. On cross-questioning his friend seems to have taken the lead…it was actually quite tame about some debating society motion designed to provoke.
Well done on keeping up with the daily blogging.
I went to Belfast on Saturday which was lovely, visiting some friends. Today cooking and finishing laundry and Mass.
For some reason I thought Ireland had swerved the whole grey squirrel thing. But clearly not.
Nope we have grey squirrels aplenty.
About this time of the month it always gets v dull, I fear.
Without bragging.. I was in London with friends. We had brunch in the Sky Garden 35 floors up, overlooking Tower Bridge – really highly recommend.
But I think I will now sitting still and saving money until Christmas ?
Without bragging.. I was in London with friends. We had brunch in the Sky Garden 35 floors up, overlooking Tower Bridge – really highly recommend.
But I think I will now sitting still and saving money until Christmas ?
Oooh. Sounds delightful. Lucky you.