I may have mentioned before that I am thrilled by the successes of my friends.
You are probably familiar with the Gore Vidal line “Every time a friend succeeds, I die a little.” I wouldn’t say that was never true for me but as I’ve got older I’ve got much more philosophical. Particularly when my female friends take on important roles, I feel their success is something bigger than themselves and I love that for them and for me and my children.
My school friend who I met last night has just got a big job as a site manager for a pharmaceutical company. So exciting. On cross-questioning, she told me that there are 3 female site managers across the company’s 47 sites, so some work still to do but it’s a start.
My friend in Holland (Mr. Waffle’s friend first, I have to concede) was offered a chance to go to Aruba for work for six months. She is a mother of 4 – two in college and two still in school. “Are you going to do it?” I asked her awestruck. “Anne,” said she, “I’m in my 50s who is going to offer me a chance to do something like this again?” And off she went, presumably with military style logistical preparations, behind her. The other day she sent Mr. Waffle a photo of a selection of her children and herself and her husband celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary in Aruba. I was delighted. My only regret is that I am now back at work and in no position to go to Aruba on holidays.