Daniel and Michael are 19 today. There was no birthday post for 18 – somehow, I got behind – but I’m thinking I’ll roll something together for 18 and 19. I’m sure you’re excited.
At breakfast I was talking to Michael about when he was a baby and, honestly, I struggled to remember anything from those sleep deprived years but as I pointed out to him, that’s what my blog is for. I did haul a 2 kilo bag of flour out of the press and say, “Look, that’s what you weighed plus 200grms.” He was about that size too. My goodness one forgets how tiny babies are when surrounded by tall grown ups.
Daniel had headed out earlier. In good form and delighted with his birthday presents. He has now reached the age where money is really welcome. Let us hope that he does not spend it all in the pub with his friends tonight.
I always love the birthday posts
We love a fan around here. Hold your breath!