Today was a beautiful day and instead of doing lots of domestic admin (which I’m not doing now either, you will note), I seized the day, hopped on my bike and took the commuter train out to the seaside.
I stopped in town to have a look at the Liffey swim. At least they had nice weather but, mmm, is that water clean?

I must say, the seaside was looking lovely.

As we frequently (rather inaccurately) say on a fine day here, “You could be in the South of France”.

I had a lovely swim. Poor Michael was in a college clubs and socs meeting all day (he is on the committee of a society) where they told them how not to embezzle money. Herself had gone back to London for a party where it was raining. Daniel opted to stay at home and play on the x-box. I can tell you, I was winning here. Though Mr. Waffle, who was in the hammock in the back garden, may have been giving me a run for my money.
It would be too much to hope that I could also take a flattering picture; doubtless some kind of karma as I took it to post smugly in the family group chat and now I am posting it smugly here. As I took the picture, I did reflect that all my life I have been leaving bags full of valuable possessions on beaches and they have never been stolen. A happy thought. The cover the bag with a towel trick really works, I guess.

Mmm, is that water clean? Probably not very, I fear. Never mind, I am testing my immune system.
I then joined the very long queue for an ice cream.

Worth it.

In fact, all was well until I got back to the station nearest home. Alas. Three flights.

And, after a day filled with excitement, I’m going to the cinema tonight. Thrills. It’s the new “Beetlejuice”. I re-watched the 1988 one last night in preparation. I will report back. I know you’re on the edges of your seats out there.
I feel I have got excellent value for this year’s summer.