For many, many years, I always had a book in my handbag. I referred to it as my handbag book (I’m quite literal) and it was usually a small paperback and I would read it in queues or other unexpected moments in my day when I had to wait. I never found the episodic nature of this reading unsatisfactory and I was quite happy with my handbag book.
Then in 2011, I got my first smartphone. So light. So entertaining. I abandoned the handbag book and so it was for many years. But then the smartphone got a bit all consuming and gradually I deleted all the entertaining apps. So, I found myself recently going on to online banking for entertainment in a queue (insert your own joke here) and I decided that it was time to reinstate the handbag book. I am pleased with the result.
If there is a moral to this story
, I am unsure what it is.