I lifted this from the excellent clothesline.ie many years ago. What can I say? Some posts are in gestation longer than others. The smaller your children are, the better it works. Some of these thoughts are from a long time ago and things have definitely moved on on the sock front.
- 1. Why would you use your sock as a bookmark?
- 2. Is there a reason you store socks behind the bookshelf in your room?
- 3. Why is your duvet on the kitchen floor?
- 4. Why do you choose to read lying on the floor behind the sofa?
- 5. Why have you chosen to ignore my advice about needing a coat on your school tour to Munich in winter?
- 6. What do you do with protractors? Is there a black market for them?
- 7. Is there any chance we might have more than half an hour’s notice that GAA training is on this evening?
- 8. Will anyone answer my WhatsApp messages? Or my texts? Or my calls?
- 10. Why do you need 25 different dice? And why are they all ten sided?
- 11. Why would you only tell me on the morning we are leaving on a skiing holiday that you only own one pair of waterproof shoes and these have a hole?
- 12. Why are you getting up at 4 in the morning to complete your assignment?
- 13. When will you be home for dinner? Will you be home for dinner? In fact , will we ever have family dinner together again during the week?
- 14. Do you have plans for the summer? Do they involve coming on holidays with me? Will you be in a position to let me know before the price of flights becomes stratospheric?
- 15. How many of your primary school books do you think you need to keep now that you are in university?
- 16. Would you not like to come on a walk with your parents? [Taking me back to my school days – Latin num expecting the answer “No”]
- 17. What are you up to over there in England?
- 18. Will you ever come home?
- 19. How is it that you are all adults now?
- 20. Have you everything you need to make your way in the world?
- 21. Do you still love your Mama?
This one resonates with me! Especially about the socks. My daughter, who is 8, likes to make little creatures out of socks and hair ties. And then gets upset when you want to take them apart and use the components as intended!
That’s very sweet!