I lifted this from the excellent clothesline.ie many years ago. What can I say? Some posts are in gestation longer than others. The smaller your children are, the better it works. Some of these thoughts are from a long time ago and things have definitely moved on on the sock front.
- 1. Why would you use your sock as a bookmark?
- 2. Is there a reason you store socks behind the bookshelf in your room?
- 3. Why is your duvet on the kitchen floor?
- 4. Why do you choose to read lying on the floor behind the sofa?
- 5. Why have you chosen to ignore my advice about needing a coat on your school tour to Munich in winter?
- 6. What do you do with protractors? Is there a black market for them?
- 7. Is there any chance we might have more than half an hour’s notice that GAA training is on this evening?
- 8. Will anyone answer my WhatsApp messages? Or my texts? Or my calls?
- 10. Why do you need 25 different dice? And why are they all ten sided?
- 11. Why would you only tell me on the morning we are leaving on a skiing holiday that you only own one pair of waterproof shoes and these have a hole?
- 12. Why are you getting up at 4 in the morning to complete your assignment?
- 13. When will you be home for dinner? Will you be home for dinner? In fact , will we ever have family dinner together again during the week?
- 14. Do you have plans for the summer? Do they involve coming on holidays with me? Will you be in a position to let me know before the price of flights becomes stratospheric?
- 15. How many of your primary school books do you think you need to keep now that you are in university?
- 16. Would you not like to come on a walk with your parents? [Taking me back to my school days – Latin num expecting the answer “No”]
- 17. What are you up to over there in England?
- 18. Will you ever come home?
- 19. How is it that you are all adults now?
- 20. Have you everything you need to make your way in the world?
- 21. Do you still love your Mama?