So, you will recall that we got back from Argentina on Wednesday August 23?
On Friday 25 we had Leaving Cert results for the boys. This is, obviously, the most important examination they will ever do in their lives. Sometimes I find that it is hard to convey tone in writing but, for clarity, this remark is dripping in sarcasm. It is, however, a very, very important Irish rite of passage and the main gateway to third level. God, we were all delighted. They did super well. We all went out to breakfast to celebrate and even though Michael ate nothing and had fortified himself with cornflakes prior to departure, the crowd was in very good form.
I am so glad for them both. It has just been a horrendous year with teacher supply shortages and after school classes or video classes or no classes. Their results made it a practical certainty that they would get their first choice in college (and to spare you the weekend of very mild suspense that we enjoyed, I can confirm that that is in fact what happened when first round offers came out the following week). They’ve both started their courses now – in two different universities in Dublin, one arts student, one science student, but both living at home (which is pretty standard in Ireland and pleasing for me) and, fingers crossed, it all seems to be going pretty well.
There were various rites of passage to follow results day, including a breakfast at school and the graduation dance which is known as the “debs” though, I think it’s fair to say, the students don’t really think of themselves as debutantes. This event is big business and a bus load of teenagers was taken to the midlands (you would think there would be venues in Dublin) at five in the evening; they partied all night and were deposited back in Dublin at five the following morning. When I went to my debs, neither today nor yesterday, you had to bring a partner but this seems to be strictly optional now which is all to the good, I think. Neither of my guys brought a partner but I did get to admire some of the other students’ dresses in the car park where they were waiting for the bus to take them away to their swanky destination. Notwithstanding the considerable stamina required, a good time seems to have been had by all.
But back to Friday 25, where did I have to go that afternoon? That’s right, the airport again. Herself was off to a friend’s party in London. Honestly, if I never saw another airport again, it would probably be too soon. This was unfortunate because, in a piece of poor timing, Mr. Waffle and I were off to London on the following day. Stay tuned for more details.
Bravo to them…on to the next thing!