Daniel is always hungry. He regards our house as a food desert. He is constantly concerned about what he calls “food insecurity”. He is quite the foodie and very good at cooking for himself but it takes time and he is usually starving in the process.
Last Friday, school finished at 10 and he and Michael were the only sixth years who went in. I have thoughts. They did a mock English paper under their teacher’s supervision. When it was over and they were going home, their teacher gave them a tray each of sandwiches and pastries which were left over from an event and insisted that they take them despite considerable reluctance on their part. The boys brought them home on their bikes with great difficulty.
Mr. Waffle misunderstood the importance of the sandwiches and threw them in the bin. Daniel went into the kitchen for a sandwich and he is still furious a week later and has told everyone he knows about our sins (despite my repeated efforts to wash my hands of this and throw Mr. Waffle under the bus, there is a view that somehow, Svengali like, I made him do it and it is my fault). Nobody wanted the 20 pastries but I managed to give them away on Olio. Herself says it is only a short step to putting up left over bowls of soup (which I used to mock). I suppose that is true but I am still pleased with myself.