Sunday was Mother’s Day and Mr. Waffle’s birthday – a conjunction which neither of us particularly enjoyed. To compound matters we ended up going for a long cycle in the lashing rain (dull story which I will spare you). Not entirely recommended.
Last night Dan was at a GAA appeal. He was a witness to an on pitch incident. This was the appeal. While a long way short of the formality of actual court proceedings, it was pretty unnerving and intimidating for him and I felt for him. He did fine. But it was a long old evening for him with after school physics (you will recall our school has lost its physics teacher and he has to do physics classes over zoom once a week after school, hardly ideal) then straight to the hearing which was long and not home until 8.30. Ravenous, poor child.
And this morning, I am writing this live from Dublin airport where I am waiting to board a flight to New York. Very exciting! As always when I travel, I completely failed to charge my phone and am currently hogging a workstation at the airport. A full debrief will follow on my return from NY. I haven’t been in America since 2007 and haven’t been to New York since 1999. Hold on to your hats. Weather will be familiar if nothing else.