Herself has always had a watch. We spent a certain amount repairing her most recent watch to no avail. I hauled out the five or six old watches I have in my room and asked her which she would like. She picked an old one of my mother’s which was pleasing. It wasn’t a particularly expensive watch but it obviously has sentimental value. I went to the jeweller’s and they quoted me a hefty price to fix it which they agreed was probably more than it was worth but after some humming and hawing I went ahead with it.
I put in her room awaiting her return from the fleshpots of Britain. In the interim my brother came to stay and when I was preparing the room, I saw to my immense chagrin that the watch had stopped. I took it back to the jeweller’s filled with rage. The nice man behind the counter heard me out and then said, “Is it wound?”. Gentle reader, it was not, I had kind of forgotten that such a thing existed. I told herself this tale and she said, “How do you wind a watch, is it hard?” Passing on skills here as well.