Like many couples, Mr. Waffle and I operate at different temperatures. He is always warm, I am always cold. I have addressed this by the low tech solution of bringing a hot water bottle to bed in winter. He objects on the grounds that I tap dance on it. I might move it around with my feet, I concede.
The other day he arrived home with what Daniel characterised as “divorce in a box”, namely, an electric blanket. As you will be aware, the electric blanket and the water filled bottle do not mix. I am now dependent on the electric blanket for warmth. Mr. Waffle goes to bed earlier than me and finds the bed too warm and turns off the blanket. By the time I get to bed it is tepid at best. This may be an insurmountable problem. Your suggestions are welcome, meanwhile my little fingers and toes are freezing.
How about a multi zone electric blanket?
Two separate single electric blankets. A control each. Yes, you can’t give back the current one – but you could donate it to the Princess’s room for her travels home. Also, I use my hot water bottle and electric blanket together and we’re all still alive.
Do you want to reconsider the electric hot water bottle?
Many thanks for your various suggestions which are under active consideration. In the interim the electric blanket has moved to the Princess’s bed and my hot water bottle has been restored to its original place of honour.