About 11.30 Mr Waffle and I were sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of tea – all our Christmas tasks were complete. A pardonable sense of smugness permeated the room. Mr. Waffle had prepared a Christmas treasure hunt for the children ( a triumph, I thought they might have got stuck on Eritrea, but no, next year will have to be harder as it only took them about 15 fun-filled minutes) and we thought we might have a walk. The day was delightfully free of tasks and obligations.

“I might make the stuffing later,” I said vaguely whereupon Mr. Waffle leapt from his seat like a scalded cat and yelped, “The turkey, we forgot to collect the turkey!”. You will be pleased to hear that he made it to the butcher’s before they closed and picked up our turkey (ordered some time ago) which is currently sitting out in the shed waiting for its chance to shine.
On this cheerful festive note, may I take the opportunity to wish you a very happy Christmas and a triumphant Christmas dinner.