Recently herself said to me, “You know when people say that women talk a lot, what do they mean, compared to whom?”. “Men, maybe,” I said. “But we know that men talk more than women in meetings and lectures and tutorials and all kinds of settings,” she said. “We do,” I said. And I know it myself from living in the world and working in a male dominated environment. “They talk a lot compared to nothing,” she said. As someone who has always been gently mocked by others and, indeed myself, for talking a lot, this really made me think. I’m still thinking about it.
What they mean is ‘women talk a lot more *than they’d like*… I’m glad to see a generation of young people who are calling out this sort of rubbish!
Some new content would be very welcome!
I agree with the sibling, updates please. Have you been recalled from sabbatical, arrested or are you just off having adventures to blog about on your return?
Hi Henry. I tracked down belgianwaffle in real life. She is gallivanting. I’m not very optimistic that there will be updates soon.
TM, very pleasing all the same.
Henry, Sibling, more exciting content is available, hold on to your hats.