It was mid-May, I was finishing work mid-June. Good news, I am still finishing June 17. Bad news, this last two weeks before I finish up, they are going to squeeze work out of me until the pips squeak.
My niece turned 14 in mid-May and we all went out to dinner to celebrate. There was an adults’ table and a teenagers’ table which worked well for everyone. My only fear was that one of the boys would tell their cousin what her present was before her parents gave it to her the following day. They booked tickets for her to go to London to see Hamilton. I confided this to the boys in advance but they dutifully kept it secret even when their cousin said, “I don’t know what my parents are getting me, the present isn’t hidden in any of the usual places.” Her father sent round a photo of her opening her present the next morning and getting a big surprise which we all enjoyed. Like my sister-in-law said, “We’re desperately trying to catch up on the things Covid took away from our children.”
We had the Dutch Mama to stay overnight – she was in Dublin for a work trip (and got Covid in the process, alas, we remain – almost miraculously, Covid free) – and she told us how her 15 year old on a trip to a European Youth Parliament with her school mates ended up sleeping in Helsinki airport due to a delayed flight. No teachers, although some of the school mates were 18 so there was that. Honestly, the Dutch are very daring. Anyhow the child was none the worse for her experience and it makes me think that Daniel will be fine on his trip to Rome later this week.
Oh, enjoy the break, even though you will likely be broken by the run up to it. I have JUST sent off the last substantial chunk of a job that’s been running me ragged (there will be more bits coming through but hopefully in dribs and drabs) and I’ve deliberately booked nothing else for June (except catching up with the massive pile of Other Stuff that has been building up in the meanwhile. Just remember you’ll get nothing productive done at all in your first week off as you’ll be too busy feeling guilty and a bit lost at not being flat out and unable to focus on all the lovely things you’d planned to do with your time when you had some of your own (at least, that is my experience).
Thank you, thank you. V excited but also a bit wrung atm. Will take your advice.