On the last Saturday of every month, everyone on the street goes out and cleans up all the litter, fallen leaves etc. Every time we do this, Mr. Waffle thinks, not without bitterness, “Here we are, doing the council’s job for them.â€
Last weekend, Mr. Waffle was the man designated to pick up the special litter bags from the local council office. As he picked them up, the man behind the counter mused, “It would be great if you could do something over the Christmas holidays.†He added, generously, “We could throw in a couple of bars of chocolate.â€
He’s still bitter.
And, lads, this brings us to the end of November. It’s been a marathon; thanks for reading along.
I’ve been delinquent about commenting this month, but rest assured that I have loved reading along every day! I love that you’ve stayed true to the traditions of ye olde blog and continue doing this. 🙂
I always enjoy your posts and I’ve been spoilt this month with one each day
Kara, Tabliope, thank you both so much for following along – it’s great to have readers!