It is November. This means one thing only: Nablopomo. I will be posting daily for the next thirty days. Hold on to your hats.
Reader Interactions
Good for you. I tried that once for December – self imposed. Between that and the damn elf on the shelf, I swear I got out of bed just as I was falling asleep every night that month to move the elf / post (write) the blog. The blog has since gone by the wayside (the damn elf remains).
Anyway – v much looking fwd to your posts. Your little slices of Dublin always cheer this homesick expat up.
Good for you. I tried that once for December – self imposed. Between that and the damn elf on the shelf, I swear I got out of bed just as I was falling asleep every night that month to move the elf / post (write) the blog. The blog has since gone by the wayside (the damn elf remains).
Anyway – v much looking fwd to your posts. Your little slices of Dublin always cheer this homesick expat up.
I applaud your fortitude in the matter of the elf – and thank you for reading!