Monday, July 27, 2020
Another busy day in the salt mines but I was home by 7.30 which was terrific. We had our deferred cinema night. Herself selected “Ils sont partout” which was funny in places. It’s about being Jewish in France.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Work was trying. I was sustained by the fact that it was our 19th wedding anniversary. Furthermore, to celebrate, Mr. Waffle had booked us dinner in Guilbaud’s. It was lovely and only very slightly marred by my getting a work call at 8.30.
I might take this opportunity to be mildly smug about how great my husband is. I feel, frankly, that I chose wisely.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Work is starting to get a bit quieter and I rejoiced as I was home by 7. Small thrills. Herself made risotto for dinner. What a talent.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
I met a friend for lunch. It felt relatively daring.
Rentokil returned to our house to investigate the sounds in the Princess’s bedroom. They did a very thorough job according to Mr. Waffle and found nothing whatsoever which, obviously, is very welcome at one level but, as herself said, what is causing that noise then? A mystery and not really a satisfactory one.
And in “you will struggle to find a more typically Irish story” news, I got an email from a woman I used to work with 25 years ago who I am still reasonably pally with. She told me that a former colleague’s mother had died. She added in a bit of news about herself and her daughter (who is now 27 and who I first met aged 2 – an extraordinary thought). Her daughter’s boyfriend lives near me so she finds herself in my part of town more than previously. I encouraged her to drop in next time she was here. She said her daughter’s boyfriend’s mother actually grew up on our street. A house with a green door about two-thirds of the way down on the left. In fact, yes, you guessed it, we bought his deceased grandmother’s house. Now so, isn’t it a small world?
Tomorrow will see us heading off on our summer holidays. Not, sadly, to America (although, possibly, maybe we will get our money for flights back – very excited). And although I will, sadly, be accompanied by my laptop, I am hopeful that I won’t have to spend too much time bonding with it. I’ll tell you all about our Irish holiday when I get back. Something for you to look forward to.
Thank goodness I do not work anymore, it makes life much easier roosting in the countryside while all this nonsense carries on. However in July I managed to paint another two windows. Next up is the front door. My tomatoes are a triumph but I have fed the mice very well with my peas and beans.
I cannot match your small world story, these coincidences are quite fun aren’t they?
As ever impressed by your gardening prowess. Mine a disaster after nearly three weeks away. Inclined to give up entirely and let it go back to nature as regularly advocated.