Apparently, still current in day to day conversations of Belgians, there is an expression indicating that this is all very well but it’s not really getting us anywhere: Tout ça ne nous rendra pas le Congo. I find this…surprising.
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A strange expression. It doesn’t make us the Congo. Thank goodness. The Belgians were absolute monsters in the Congo. Pretty much the worst colonisers. Wonder why? Small man syndrome?
The expression is more – This doesn’t bring back the Congo – I suppose it’s about the loss of empire. I’ve read a couple of books on this and, if memory serves, a lot of it seems to be down to King Leopold who basically owned the Congo and ran it as his own private fiefdom without any checks or balances.
A strange expression. It doesn’t make us the Congo. Thank goodness. The Belgians were absolute monsters in the Congo. Pretty much the worst colonisers. Wonder why? Small man syndrome?
The expression is more – This doesn’t bring back the Congo – I suppose it’s about the loss of empire. I’ve read a couple of books on this and, if memory serves, a lot of it seems to be down to King Leopold who basically owned the Congo and ran it as his own private fiefdom without any checks or balances.