Does everyone else have a work timeline and a personal timeline? I can tell you what I did in work over the course of the last 20 years and what I have done domestically but I can’t match them up. So for example, I can say when the children were born and what employer I was with at the time but I cannot for the life of me tell you what work I was doing at that exact time though in general terms I can tell you what I did in that job from start to finish. It’s like the personal and professional travel on parallel tracks in my brain.
This is not necessarily bad, I suppose, but it frequently leads to diarying near misses where I have committed to go to a work dinner and realise, quite late in the day, that I am also committed to some church type event or a school concert. I suspect that having a work electronic calendar (shared with colleagues), a domestic electronic calendar (shared with Mr. Waffle) and a paper diary, doesn’t help. The paper diary is supposed to marry work and personal but I often fail to add things. For a while, I spent Fridays reviewing calendars for the following week but, somehow, the habit did not take. Suggestions to address my scheduling needs gratefully received.
Can you tell I am out of ideas for this not entirely successful NaBloPoMo?
Some suggestions to end November : one “reading, etc.” post, one about Herself, and a Christmas recipe, for example…
Either one diary or no diary is best. No diary works by forcing you to remember, or provides a great excuse when you forget. “What school fundraiser? Oh, dear, I forgot”.
Yes some books you’ve been reading. Or do you ever watch TV?
Favourite places you’ve holidayed.
Thank you for the suggestions – I may well fall back on them. Further ideas welcome.