On my way home from work the other night, I saw a dead rat in the lane. Huge yoke, with it’s little paws frozen in the air from rigor mortis. The next morning when I cycled out, it was gone. What are we to make of this?
When someone analysed the nest of our local seagulls to find out what they were eating, rat bones featured prominently. Does Dublin have a seagull ‘problem’?
YES, we do have a seagull problem. Bet it’s them. Or, of course, larger rat is also a delightful possibility.
One day last week I reported to the council a dead rat in the gutter in Crumlin. Next day it was gone. The bloated remains of the cat in the canal that I reported a couple of weeks ago to Waterways Ireland, DCC and I think the OPW seems to be gone. Or has sunk, or floated away. It was there a good two weeks. Poor moggie.
When someone analysed the nest of our local seagulls to find out what they were eating, rat bones featured prominently. Does Dublin have a seagull ‘problem’?
An even bigger rat maybe
YES, we do have a seagull problem. Bet it’s them. Or, of course, larger rat is also a delightful possibility.
One day last week I reported to the council a dead rat in the gutter in Crumlin. Next day it was gone. The bloated remains of the cat in the canal that I reported a couple of weeks ago to Waterways Ireland, DCC and I think the OPW seems to be gone. Or has sunk, or floated away. It was there a good two weeks. Poor moggie.
Oh GOD. City living can have it’s challenges.