I woke up this morning with a migraine and after a trip to the shops to buy bread this morning, gave up the effort and went back to bed and didn’t get up again until an hour ago. Alas. I feel alright now but not fantastic. The light of the screen is making my eyeballs a bit sore. Don’t say I’m not devoted to this NaBloPoMo. I trust that by tomorrow, I will be restored to full health. Something for all of us to look forward to.
Driving down a country lane with bright sunlight shining through branches brings on a migraine for my wife. You have my dearest sympathy, mad barbers pooes in the corner of your eyes and a blinding headache are not what anyone needs, particularly with children to look after.
Sympathy from a retired person is probably not what you need, but it is all that I have to offer…. All the best
Sympathy is always good and I know exactly what your wife is talking about..