My favourite aunt is 87 and lives next door to my parents. She is well in pretty much every way and is still driving around and going out for lunch and looks fantastic. But she fell today. She just tripped when going from the pavement on to the road. Even as I write she is being x-rayed but it looks like a broken hip. Sadly. Oh dear. I spoke to her on the phone and she sounded cheerful but it is not very cheerful. She said that people were very kind; they helped her up and when it became apparent that she wasn’t going to be able to get up, fetched a seat from a nearby pub, got her a cup of tea and sat with her until my saintly sister and the ambulance arrived, in that order. Send cheerful thoughts towards Cork, please.
Oh no – that is very unlucky. Sorry to hear it. Get well soon Aunty P.
Thanks. Hope your journey home not too hideous.
Good luck and my fingers are crossed.
Thanks Charles. Op is tomorrow and she is v cheerful for one who is fasting and has a broken hip.
Keeping her in my prayers for a speedy and complete recovery
Thanks Jennifer.