Herself: I got a shock from the light in the utility room.
Me (vaguely): Oh dear.
Mr. Waffle: I’ve never heard of such thing.
Me: Oh yes, that used to happen to me all the time in the house where I grew up.
Him (sceptically): I don’t believe it.
Her (mournfully): Mum believes me but she’s hopeless at sympathising and Dad just doesn’t believe me.
Him (completely unconvincingly): No, I do.
Me: Don’t switch on the light with wet hands and you should be fine.
A couple of nights later there was a loud yelp from the utility room. We all rushed in. “I got a shock!” said Mr. Waffle in outrage. “Told you!” said herself. “You’ll live,”said I. Anxious readers will be pleased to know that Mr. Waffle is looking into getting an electrician in. Tell me, has anyone else had a light switch shock? Surely, yes.
Oh, yes! The kitchen light switch at work often sparked and occasionally caused “ouch” issues, until Elf and Safety called in the electrician. This cured the problem, but life became more boring!
Yes indeed, what is life without the odd shock?