We watch a lot of Dr. Who in this house. The children and I quite like it. Mr. Waffle does not. The other night we watched the episode where a hospital disappears on earth and reappears on the moon.
There is a an annoying consultant character (so far so typecast) and at one stage in the action, he hauls out his binoculars to have a closer look at the action all round. “That’s very unlikely,” I said, “who has binoculars at work?” Mr. Waffle looked at me and asked sardonically, “Really, that is your only difficulty?” There’s only so far one’s disbelief can be suspended, it turns out and I had found my limits.
Well one day at work I found a pair of binoculars in a meeting room. And it was a room with no external windows. Very strange
I thought Mr Waffle was going to say that he had a pair. As it happens I have a pair in work as my office has a great view.
OK, clearly we are out of the binocular in office loop…