Childminders are proving a bit difficult at the moment. We have our regular woman who, alas, is returning to France at the end of April. We have someone who is covering Tuesday afternoons which I cannot since I started the new job (and our regular woman cannot as she has lectures). We have the new woman who is starting in May. We have our regular evening babysitting woman who is doing some day time cover for us over the school holidays (but can only do bits and pieces as she has another job). Even with Mr. Waffle dutifully filling in the gaps, it’s been a bit of a whirlwind of interviewing and checking references and introducing new people. I offer this as an explanation for why the Princess came home from school on a Tuesday afternoon to find an unknown stranger in the hall welcoming her back. You see we’d told the boys and their school and just, somehow, neglected to tell herself, that we had someone new covering Tuesday afternoons. She was not pleased.
Once the boys start secondary school, I think there will be no more childminders.
Ahh childminders. An eternal struggle. I now pay my 15 year old to look after his younger siblings. One of which is far to ‘grown-up’ (nearly 13) to be looked after, resulting in endless arguments, and phone calls at work. I can’t wait for the time when they are all at secondary school. Hope your princess is not too distraught.
She is coping! Hope your 15 year old is not charging you a fortune…