My sister was in India for work last week and bought me another new rug, She got me a lovely one for the hall a couple of years ago and it is lasting beautifully.
This new one which is winging its way from India as I type is much bigger though. I am filled with excitement and suitably grateful.
She said to me that she had bought the rug but I wouldn’t get any big presents until I was 50. I was cast down (though still very grateful) but then cheered at the thought that 50 wasn’t as far away as it once was. And then cast down again at the thought that 50 wasn’t as far away as it once was. It was a roller coaster, I can tell you.
I am going to Cork at the weekend to rescue the rug and bring it back to Dublin. Photos to follow. Hold on to your hats there.
Updated to add – it arrived in Cork yesterday, impressively packed.
And doesn’t Hodge look good on the rug!
She looks good everywhere if looks good = sleeps!