Michael is still loving the scouts. He had his investiture on Monday night when he got his first neckerchief (?) and woggle (?) and he is filled with pride. He had to learn off the scout promise in advance but, as he told the scout leader, it presented no problems to one who had mastered Lepanto.
However, Michael has drawn the line at going away camping for the Whit weekend. He was keen until he discovered that they were going away for three days and had to eat mashed potato. Maybe next year, he feels.
Meanwhile his sister who attended Monday night’s investiture expressed an interest in joining the scouts also (only partially motivated by the useful skills she could learn for the zombie apocalypse). We spoke to the scout leader and he said that she could come on Tuesday. She went last night to an older group and loved it too. I am very impressed by the organisational skills of the scouts and their ability to keep large groups of children entertained for many hours.