So, Mr. Waffle rang eircom on Friday morning to say that even though he had stayed at home all day Thursday (and had previously arranged for someone to be in the house all day on a previous date), no one had come. He spoke to W who passed him to J who hung up/lost the connection. Mr. Waffle rang back and spoke to A who said the technician had telephoned Mr. Waffle. “He did not,” said Mr. Waffle. On checking he found that they still had the wrong number for him on file as “he had given the wrong number initially.” Seriously, where do you believe that the error lies? Anyhow, Mr. Waffle pointed out that they had raised this issue with him previously and he had given the correct number on the 2 March for them to amend their records. He gave it again; perhaps this time they will update the information or perhaps they just like to keep people like us on our toes. A added that, in any event, the technician had left a note. “He most certainly did not,” said Mr. Waffle. “I’m only reading what it says here on the system,” said A defensively. “Well then,” said Mr. Waffle, “can you update the system to state that the client says that no notification was received?” She was shifty on this point so I am guessing not.
We seem to be back at stage one now and Mr. Waffle has to stay home all day Tuesday for the technician to come. As luck would have it, our washing machine also broke down at the weekend and the technician from Bosch is coming to give it a poke on Tuesday too but at least they telephone half an hour before they are due to arrive. No such luxuries are available from the eircom service. How do people who can’t work from home manage this kind of thing?
I am beginning to think that we might investigate Sky. Can the service possibly be worse?
A slight correction: the washing machine person is meant to come today (Tuesday). The post may have given the impression that the Eircom technician is also due to come today. In fact, we still don’t have a date for our next “appointment” with the Eircom technician, who then may or may not turn up. I am beginning to call this Schrödinger’s technician.
Your patience in this matter is very impressive.
Mr Waffle’s comment made me laugh out loud! I can’t believe this is still not resolved.
I think it is Ken. We may yet wait longer than our parents did for a phone line (in itself a marvel of the Western world in the 70s).
Ellen, he aims to please.