Mr. Waffle spent today working from home. The technician from eircom was to come. Mr. Waffle rang eircom about 5 wondering whether the technician was coming. They said that they didn’t know but Mr. Waffle couldn’t say the technician had not come until after 6, so if the technician didn’t come Mr. Waffle could call them in the morning and they would apply their escalation procedure. The technician did not come. Can’t wait for that escalation procedure in the morning.
I seem to recall from the years of my own Eircom conflicts that there was one tactic that was quite effective. Write a letter – on paper – and put it in an envelope with a stamp on it and send it to their head office. That seemed to prompt a very sudden and helpful response.
This situation is unbelievable.
Ellen, I know!
MT, we may be driven to this yet.