Did you know that the Irish word for Wednesday, Céadaoin, means first fast? And Friday, Aoine, means fast? And Thursday, Déardaoin, means day between two fasts? It makes me reflect on how religious and abstemious our celtic ancestors were. Meanwhile, on Ash Wednesday, I forgot that it was a day of fast and abstinence and had a beef sandwich at lunch. The guilt. Also, for Lent I have given up sweets again. I feel I should perhaps be trying harder.
Oh, I did the same thing last Friday and ate something with meat, forgetting what day it was. It takes me a few weeks to get in the rhythm of Lent, and then I spend the first few Fridays after Easter panicking when I forget it is no longer Lent.
I know and the older you get, the faster Easter comes.
A propos of fasting and forgetting: I went to school near my granny’s house and wwe had a fishmonger who delivered fish every Friday a portion of which my father would drop off to his mother’s house after dropping me to school. Every Friday as we approached the school gate, he would say, “Anne, what did we forget?” Every week, the wretched fish.