Another depressing message from Mr. Waffle on the broadband:
Another 10 days before we get broadband…
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: <>
Date: 16 Mar 2015 12:50
Subject: Your eFibre & eVision installation appointment
To: Mr. Waffleeircom
Account Number: XXDear
Thank you for choosing eircom. Your eFibre and eVision installation appointment is 26 March AM.
In the interim, poor Mr. Waffle has taken to lugging his modem home from work which is good for us but only in the evening. Poor Michael, you should have seen his appalled visage when I told him that it would be 10 days before the internet and television were restored. I asked if I could take a picture of his sad face for the blog but he seemed to regard this as an unwelcome and tactless intervention, so you will have to use your imagination.