We have an American priest some Sundays and it is something of a culture shock to the Irish congregation; we’re mostly used to him now.
A couple of weeks ago, instead of mumbling the creed all together as a congregation, he called out the lines and the congregation had to say “absolutely!” in between each declaration [traditionally where this has been done, the congregation has said “I do” but each to his own, I suppose].
So, the Creed began:
Priest: I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth
Congregation: Absolutely.
Michael: NO.
Priest: And in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord.
Congregation: Absolutely.
Michael: Nope.
Me: Furious hissing.
Michael: Well I don’t.
And so Michael went on to the amusement of the congregation until –
Priest:I believe in the .. forgiveness of sins.
Michael (loudly): Absolutely.
I love it.
Well done Michael, you made both my husband and I chuckle out loud. Cheered up our Saturday hugely, and will add a whole new experience when we do something similar in church tomorrow.
Ellen, however, he is not aiming to please.
Christine, how did that work out for you guys??