As I write there is a code red storm sweeping the country. It’s been a little unimpressive here in Dublin but talking to my sister in Cork, she said that she had never seen anything like it. Her office, north of the city had no electricity, no water (fun) and bits of the building blew away. On the 30 km drive back to the city, she passed 15 (15!) trees which had fallen on to the main road and were being chopped up to let traffic past by heroic council workers. She’s now safely at home.
And then Cork was battered by floods recently as well. To be fair Cork is always flooding. Corcaigh, the Irish for Cork, means “a marshy place”. Hey, building on the flood plain didn’t start today or yesterday. But still, I was on the phone to a colleague in Cork and he said, “I’ve got to leave now because the flood waters are rising” which was quite dramatic, I think you will agree.
Also, we have lice – only one of us so far but where will it all end?
I think it ends with the Lee’s waters turning to blood, but before that there should be locusts. Are you sure that it’s lice?
I should have known: we have locusts. More storms tomorrow.
Mmm, as first-borns, you, me and the Princess should be starting to worry. Isn’t there some sign we can put on our doors? Maybe the Princess could check her bible…
Passover is coming too…