You may have thought that there was no post yesterday but you were wrong. I lovingly crafted something when I came in from bookclub last night and posted it. For reasons that are mysterious, it was posted date stamped March. I have updated. It still counts.
But, today, today, I have nothing. And it’s only November 5. This is unlikely to end well.
Please suggest themes to cover in the comments. Please.
What? Nothing on Roy Keane’s appointment as assistant manager of the Irish soccer team? Are there not fireworks in Cork?
Let’s see. . .if i’m remembering correctly, last year you started telling stories from your childhood. . .right? My vote is a story a day from your teenage years. That should give you enough to cover at least a week, right?
How about highlights from each of the subjects you did for the leaving or your perspective on the places I have lived – that’s 5 anyway. Or your favourite comments and why
Silveretta and the shadows of memory
Oh thank you all -fantastic suggestions which I will keep in my back pocket as I struggle through November.
The exploits of Hodge…
All parents of mixed-sex families seem to have something to say about the differences of boys from girls, and your comments might be more considered than many, so I’d like to read them. Other suggestions:
merits and demerits of Dublin Zoo (we’re due to renew our membership so I’m thinking about this at the moment, especially as one of my facebook friends is a virulent vegan and bombards me with anti-zoo materials)
more about your new house, which you haven’t really discussed that much (though we have seen tantalizing glimpses in the photos)
secrets of Mr Waffle
That’s plenty to be getting on with!
Rather like the Silveretta suggestion…
Or you could go here (a find via the amazing Maria Popova) and do a bit of rummaging in the lives and thoughts of great writers.
More of it – you are all heroic. I definitely have a month’s worth here!