Me: Do you know where the round table is?
My sister: The attic.
Me: Oh God, any idea where?
Her: No. The attic is like Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle; the more sure you are that something is up there, the less likely you are to be able to locate it.
Heh. I feel confident that sister is one of the few people who knew about the uncertainty principle before Breaking Bad.
We did it for LC physics you know, it’s just that it has all leaked out of our heads in the many, many intervening years…
Belgianwaffle – you forget everything. I on the other hand, remember most things
Why can’t she reference One Direction, so that we can despair of the future of humanity, as is the right and privilege of all middle aged people when observing the next generation growing up?
Damn. I can’t delete that comment. I had read the post picturing your precocious daughter talking about Heisenberg (whose theories never came to my attention at any point during my education).