As the professionals say, posting has been light. I have found the past month or so demanding as I went back to work and the children went back to school.
During my first week back at work, I found myself slipping out of a meeting with important people to rescue Michael from school where he declared himself (convincingly) to be sick. Mr. Waffle, who normally does the sick child trip, was in a meeting with no phone coverage. I went to school where a surprised and delighted (and crucially, in my view, quite well) Michael greeted me with ecstasy which was rather charming. We went home. In the utility room was the corpse of a mouse which the cat had brought in for inspection. I disposed of it. Mr. Waffle came home and I hared off across town on my bike to my next meeting.
We have a new childminder, who seems lovely, but we all have to get used to each other. And the children are still flattened from being back at school.
And then, this time of year brings heritage week (a man dressed up as Robert Boyle in the Casino Marino – excellent thanks although herself now wants a vacuum pump for Christmas); the Fringe Theatre Festival (Ashling Bea and James Walmsley – only mildly funny- and The Stoneybatter Strangler – really quite dreadful performed outdoors by a large cast with little talent and a chill wind blowing, mildly atmospheric in places); the Theatre Festival (A Feast of Bones – for children, a bit creepy but herself loved it and Sheridan’s The Critic where I struggled to stay awake for the first half but found the second half alright and the ending superb); Culture Night (where we saw a limited number of things: Tailor’s Hall, St. Audeon’s but had pizza); Open House (by now flagging, we only inspected two premises, one of them very small); and we went to the opening night of the documentary film festival where we saw “The Great Hip Hop Hoax” which was good but the interview with the Director afterwards was even better and added additional layers of context to what is already an extremely odd story; there was a fly-by (sounds more exciting than it was – lots of planes – new and old- flew up the river Liffey at quite dispersed intervals, town was jam packed and the children couldn’t be bothered to get out of the car to look); we went to the Dublin growers’ festival and got the apples from our three apple trees pressed into apple juice and possibly cider (the jury is still out on this last one); and the Princess and I went to Cork for the weekend (twice).
And I broke a molar and had to go for an unscheduled trip to the dentist.
And the boys turned 8.
And, as of today, Mr. Waffle is lame with a horribly swollen and blistered ankle. He is allergic to wasp stings and got stung yesterday. He also got stung the week before last. His parents have a wasp’s nest in the largest tree in their garden. One our children like to climb up and get stuck in.
Is it any wonder posting has been light?
I’m so glad to hear Hodge is still on form!
From the size of him I’d say the mice he brings in are only a sample.
glad to see I’ve missed little as this is the first time in ages I’ve managed to log on to your blog. I’ve also been consumed by the back to school blitz (and the move home of course!). Would love to hook up with you. I’m on the same mobile number as before or Gmail. Cx
Glad to see the skillet is back on the stove. My histrionic mind was assuming either that you had died or that you were saving up your posts for NaBloPoMo. Who’d have thought there lies a vast territory in between these two extremes?
Yay. Nice to see you back blogging
Oooh comments..
Andrea, yes, Hodge continues to be..hungry which, Jenny, explains her vast girth. C, are you back at work?
Oh Praxis, ever faithful reader, thank you for caring.
Same to you,sister, I trust Spain is going alright.
yes, back at work. In Taoiseach’s