When I go to Cork and I pick up the iPad there are always about 24 updates waiting to be installed. I install them promptly. I hate having them sitting waiting. Indeed when I see one during the day on my own phone, I get all tense that I won’t be able to update it until I get home to my wifi. When I asked my brother why he never updates the apps on the iPad, he says that he hates to be pressured to do stuff by apple so as a gesture of defiance won’t do it. I think that this may sum up the difference between my brother and me. Are we extremes of a spectrum? Does anyone else even care? Let me know where you stand on this great debate.
Hate updates which never seem to improve anything. Don’t trust the companies involved. On a different note, can you explain the origin of the Cork expression “to give someone a fifty” when you stand them up?
Fifty per cent of the parties showed up, is how it was explained to me.
I tend to leave the app updates until there’s a batch of them, so I only have to type in my password once. I would like to be able to reject updates if I don’t want them and have the red number disappear (this in particular for iOS updates as I am wary of them in case they kill my favourite app, Stanza).
My husbans is a big Apple fan and all updates are done promptly. It seems to me (microsoft fan) that that is all he does on Apple equipments: updates, updates, updates.
We younger siblings are adept at resisting persuasion.
Clearly you all care…which is welcome and disturbing in equal measure.
Thank you to the community which responded re getting a 50, for what it’s worth that’s what I thought also but MC may have told me that.
I’m an Apple fan, but I don’t like the updates thing. The only updates Apple should pressure you into going through with are system critical ones. It bothers me that after I have seen that various third party apps have an update coming I can’t dismiss the update information until I actually want to update the app.
It is very disturbing isn’t it? I can’t ignore it. My OCD again…