Votes for Women 11 March, 2013 Posted in: PrincessMe: It was International Women’s Day last Friday. Her: I know and I still can’t vote. Me: Well, that’s not because you’re a woman, it’s because you’re 9. Her: Indignant silence [yes, she conveys indignation with her eyebrows].
disgruntled says 12 March, 2013 at 10:59 fantastic. What would a world run by nine year olds look like, I wonder?
Eimear says 12 March, 2013 at 11:13 I bet she wouldn’t be impressed that in 1918 the franchise was extended to women only if they had reached the age of 30.
belgianwaffle says 13 March, 2013 at 21:30 Depends on the 9 year old, I imagine but free junk food would certainly be a theme that would resonate with voters on the doorsteps. She probably wouldn’t Eimear, say nothing..
What would a world run by nine year olds look like, I wonder?
I bet she wouldn’t be impressed that in 1918 the franchise was extended to women only if they had reached the age of 30.
Depends on the 9 year old, I imagine but free junk food would certainly be a theme that would resonate with voters on the doorsteps.
She probably wouldn’t Eimear, say nothing..