Mr. Waffle has taken the children out and I am sitting at home alone. I have finished the paper. There are carols on the stereo. The cat is sleeping on the rug. The Christmas tree lights are lit. Night is falling [which means that they will all be back soon because the park in the dark is no good; indeed have just received text message – ‘Park went well. In pub eating crisps. Home soon.’ All the news as it happens, that’s this blog]. All our preparations are complete. We have been so busy over the past couple of weeks and it is lovely that all is peaceful and quiet. Later all will be business and excitement laying out food and stockings for Santa; the Christmas carol service [slight nervousness]; washing children in preparation for Christmas morning; and shooing them back to bed as they venture downstairs to double check that all is in readiness.
Happy Christmas.
Happy Christmas to the Waffle Family!
Happy Christmas!
Same to you and a happy new year too.